The Roadmap

Milestones of the Music Impact Study
Sept-Dec 2022
Comprehensive Literature study

We have analyzed a large number of scientifically relevant and highly ranked publications that examined the connection between background music and sales. As a result the literature study summarizes and evaluates the main findings about this topic.
Our conclusion: almost all of the analyzed studies reported a positive effect of background music on time spent at the Point of Sale or on the purchase decision. But hardly any current study confirms a positive correlation between background music and sales figures and states concrete values.

DEC 2022 - oct 2023
Online surveys
We conducted comprehensive online surveys for gastronomers and retailers on different platforms to gain an insight into their experiences and approaches regarding background music inside their businesses. We wanted to understand how and why the choice of background music is made and much more besides that. The analysis and evaluation of findings are conducted with regard to scientific aspects.
sept 2023 - ongoing
Interviews with scientists and experts
Let's talk music! The best insights usually are gained by direct conversation, don't they? That's why we talk to renowned international scientists about the effects of background music.
However, the practical perspective is also of high importance: That's why we also interview various practitioners who are professionals in the field of music: e.g. sound agencies and music providers for in-store solutions. 
sept 2023 - April 2024
Empirical study at the PoS of retailers

The empirical study is the “heart” of our Music Impact Study. The special feature and challenge lie in collecting the data directly at the point of sale. To measure the impact of background music on sales, the participating businesses had to turn off the music for a certain period to measure the effects.

We have recruited 130 retailers to participate in our study. By collaborating with an international team of scientists and a technical service provider who monitored the use of music, it was ensured that all scientific criteria were met.

april 2024
Quantitative survey of gastronomers
The market research institute Consumer Panel Services GfK conducted a survey of 350 gastronomers on the use of background music in their businesses. The findings give us a better understanding of how important background music is for customer satisfaction, dwell time, consumption and employee motivation.
April - AuG 2024
Analysis and consolidation of data
A team of data analysts evaluate the data gained by the different approaches and merge them into one main conclusion..
Aug - Nov 2024
Empirical Study at the PoS of gastronomers

After collecting data in retail, we are now focusing on another industry to measure the impact of background music on sales directly at the point of sale. It will also be a challenge for restaurateurs to turn off the music in their establishments during opening hours. Many interested restaurateurs have therefore declined to participate in the first phase of the study for this reason. Nevertheless, we are optimistic that we will recruit enough research-interested participants.

Our market research institute, the team of scientists, and the technical service provider are working closely together to conduct this study under strict guidelines.

q1 2025
Focus group

To gain a comprehensive view of the topic, we are also interested in the customers’ perspective. What experiences do they have while shopping or dining when background music is played? We explore these questions in group discussions with customers.